Certain essential oils have the ability to balance out moisture and alleviate itchiness from skin rashes. These include acne, atopic dermatitis or eczema, and psoriasis.
It is crucial that you remove excess oils and bacteria without drying the skin, as this can lead to increased oil production. Inflammation can be another contributing factor to acne breakouts.
This Body Butta is 8 ounces of triple-whipped shea butter blended with YOUR choice of essential oils.
This is a 5-in-1 product and a phenomenal solution for dry and flaky (1) hands, (2) face, (3) body, (4) lips and (5) feet.
We use all natural, unrefined, high- quality ingredients for long-lasting moisture that does not require constant re-application.
**Use the drop down menu to customize this product with up to three essential oil of your choice.